Category Archives: Film


Graham Epp qui enregistre la bande sonore de FM YOUTH à Empire Recordings avec l’ingénieur de son Shawn Dealy. / Graham Epp recording the original soundtrack for FM YOUTH at Empire Recordings with sound engineer, Shawn Dealy.


Here it is folks. In its entirety. My doc/concert film on Winnipeg’s own Mahogany Frog. I had the pleasure of screening this film as an official selection of the Gimme Some Truth festival of documentary film (Winnipeg) and Pop Montreal’s Film Pop program (Montréal). Enjoy!


Bonne nouvelle! Mon film, Alors, t’as soif de quoi? (avec Mahogany Frog), est une sélection officielle du festival Pop Montréal. Je suis ravi de présenter un premier film à Montréal, une ville où j’ai vécu il y a quelques années et qui m’est très chère. J’ai encore plusieurs amis à Montréal et j’ai trop hâte de partager ce film avec eux! La projection a lieu le 26 septembre à 19h00 au Film Box (Quartiers POP).

D’autres bonnes nouvelles! Le tournage de FM YOUTH est terminé. Merci à mon équipe qui a été extraordinaire. Je ne me suis jamais senti si alaise sur un plateau et si bien entourré. Chapeau.

J’ai très hâte de commencer le montage et partager ce film avec vous!


Les auditions sont terminées et je suis fier d’annoncer la distribution pour mon premier long métrage, FM YOUTH. Voici les acteurs que vous verrez bientôt au grand écran:

Stéphane Simard
Katrine Deniset
Mariève Laflèche
Elyse Saurette
André Vrignon-Tessier
Youssef Aroub
Elena Sturk-Lussier
Lauren Donnelly
Danny Sisler
Ben Maréga
Claire Thomas
Rob Vilar
Damien Ferland
Jocelyne Nicolas
Colin Ritchot

Merci à tous ceux qui se sont présentés aux auditions et un gros merci spécial à Françoise Therrien Vrignon et Mylène Simard pour leur appui lors du processus de sélection. J’ai trop hâte de commencer à travailler avec tous ces gens!

Premiere of Alors, t’as soif de quoi (avec Mahogany Frog)

The premiere for my newest film, Alors, t’as soif de quoi (avec Mahogany Frog), will be held at the Winnipeg Cinematheque (100 Arthur St.) on Saturday, March 16th at 4pm. The film plays as part of the Gimme Some Truth festival of documentary film! I’m thrilled to finally show this film after nearly three years spent working on it. Thanks so much to Mahogany Frog who were gracious enough to trust me with making this film and everyone at the Winnipeg Film Group and Gimme Some Truth who’ve supported me along the way. Hope you all can make it out!

Here’s the synopsis for the film followed by a trailer and a link to the Gimme Some Truth website:

Together for 15 years and having recorded six studio albums, Winnipeg’s Mahogany Frog is one of the best bands you’ve never heard. Alors, t’as soif de quoi? documents the band on stage as well as off as they try to reconcile lofty dreams of rock stardom with an uncompromising need to create music that is decidedly not radio friendly or mainstream. Their special brand of visceral face-melting instrumental psychedelic jazz-rock is the product of an endless love for pushing artistic boundaries and a steadfast determination not to sell out. Set your synths to stun.

60 mins, 2013, HD/SD

Sonata for Christian

In 2008, I received the Winnipeg Film Group’s First Film Fund grant and made a short film called Sonata for Christian on Super 16mm. It’s my one and only 16mm film and it couldn’t have been made without the wonderful and talented cast and crew I had at my disposal. Together we brought to life this vision of suburban ennui and sexual awakenings. I learned so much while making this film and am eternally grateful to Sean Garrity who mentored me through the entire process and generously gave of his time to answer all of my questions and put to rest my many concerns. I must also thank Onalee Ames who not only accepted a leading role in the film but also granted me access to her acting studio which allowed me to meet so many talented actors, some of which ended up in the film. Jason Heke, the Director of Photography, was so committed to the project and it amazed me how we were so often on the same page. While scouting locations, we would toss around film titles such as The Straight Story and The Virgin Suicides, trying to close in on a look for the film. The technical team he assembled for the shoot was second to none. I’ve never been so spoiled on a set. Kevin Bacon, our sound guy, came through for me when I was desperately searching for anyone who knew how to work a sound recorder. He did a magnificent job. I also have to thank Natalie Dacquisto, the Production Designer, who not only dressed the sets and found amazing props, but also assembled an amazing team for wardrobe, make-up and hair. Thanks also to Mark Borowski, the Production Manager, and Sara Stouffer (formerly Atwood – she actually met her husband Ben on the set of Sonata!), the Assistant Director, for paying the bills, coordinating permits and keeping us on schedule and well fed. I couldn’t have asked for a more professional cast. Ben Beauchemin, Onalee Ames, Claire Thomas and Hannah Anderson delivered great lead performances and were a joy to work with. I’m proud to say that out of the alumni of the Sonata cast, Ben, Hannah and Lauren Donnelly all ended up leaving Winnipeg in pursuit of acting careers. Ben and Hannah now live in Toronto and Lauren is out in Vancouver. Thanks are also due to Jaimz Asmundson who co-edited the film with me and in a certain way, saved it. He was the fresh set of eyes that found a way to piece all the scenes together when I had lost all perspective and couldn’t see the forest for the trees. He also came up with the idea for the credit sequences which I’m very fond of. Merci to my good friends Nadia Gaudet, who composed the starkly beautiful and minimalist piano score for the film, and Eric Gosselin, who recorded it all. Thanks also to the ever so professional Edgar Ozolins who ensured the overall sound mix of the film and didn’t charge me an arm and a leg. I’m eternally grateful for that. Thanks to everyone who was involved with the film, who let us film in their houses, who lent us props and gear and who supported us through it all. It was so much fun. Sonata for Christian went on to screen at the 2011 Gimli Film Festival (Gimli, MB) and the 2012 Canadian Film Festival (Toronto, ON).

Here it is for all to enjoy.

These Are Some Of My Friends

Here’s the film I shot for the 2012 WNDX One Take Super-8 Event. Some of my friends. Some of their thoughts. Starring Derrick Finch, Karina Meridji Arbez, Godzilla the Cat, George Grenier and Françoise Therrien Vrignon One of my friends, Scott Fitzpatrick, had some really kind things to say about it in this Cineflyer article.

Check out more films from the WNDX One Take Super-8 Event here.